Sunday, July 25, 2010

"My Space!"

Finally, I have made some progress in moving my sewing down the basement. I haven't made enough uninterrupted time to finish organizing everything quite yet, but it's getting there. I want to have a place for everything and train myself to put everything in its place! That may take some practice!

Each piece of furniture that I've moved in has a specific purpose and I love each piece but my favorite, by far is the table placed as an island in the center of the room. I scooped it up at The Cottage and painted it a beautiful blue. Love, love, love the bottom shelf where the locker baskets fit perfectly! It serves as my cutting table- just the right height.

I wish I had a lens for my camera that would show the entire room. I walk downstairs and am so thrilled to have everything in one place. And I'll love it even more when everything gets put away! Here's a glimpse ......

Lexi sent me a link to a blog she found where the blogger was selling these three little vintage machines. They were a great buy and so happy to look at!

I felt a bit guilty about painting the chestnut cupboard, but it turned out just perfectly and it is so nice having some of my special sewing collection behind glass doors.

Thank you, family, for putting up with my mess and piles for so many years. I hope I can do a better job keeping it contained now.
To see new pillows, click on this link for The Cottage!

1 comment:

  1. Finally, pictures! Love what you've done! It's so fun to see what you have done with the pieces from the shop. Can't wait to see your vintage collections in person!
